Season 14 | EP 5

The Robots of Death

Written by Chris Boucher

"While these robots are humanoid, presumably for aesthetic reasons, they give no signals. It's rather like being surrounded by walking, talking, dead men"

Episode Title Premiere Date
Episode 1 29/01/1977
Episode 2 05/02/1977
Episode 3 12/02/1977
Episode 4 19/02/1977

The TARDIS, carrying the Doctor and his new companion Leela, arrives aboard a huge sandminer on a deserted world. The small human crew relies almost entirely on robots to carry out their every task and whim while they mine the planet's rich minerals. Suddenly, one by one, members of the team start to disappear. The time travelers discover that someone or something is murdering the crew — but, of course, nobody believes it could be the robots.

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Tom Baker

Leela: Louise Jameson

Uvanov: Russell Hunter

Toos: Pamela Salem

Dask / Taren Capel: David Bailie

Borg: Brian Croucher

Poul: David Collings

Zilda: Tania Rogers

D84: Gregory de Polnay

SV7: Miles Fothergill

Producer: Philip Hinchcliffe

Director: Michael Briant

Scriptwriter: Chris Boucher

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