Fourth Doctor

Played by Tom Baker

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their view"

First Regular Appearance Last Regular Appearance
Planet of the Spiders Logopolis

From witnessing the genesis of the Daleks to preventing the death of the universe at Logopolis, the Fourth Doctor was an adventurer on an epic scale. Armed with a gleeful smile, swashbuckling charm and righteous morality, he defeated Sontarans, ancient vampires and the Black Guardian.

It was this incarnation of the Doctor that found and reassembled the Key to Time, that tried to reason with Davros at the birth of the Daleks, and who was invested as Lord President of the High Council of Time Lords. Always selfless, his fourth body died saving the universe from the Master. But that moment had been prepared for...

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