Series 05 | EP 12

The Pandorica Opens

Written by Steven Moffat

"Silence will fall."

Episode Title Premiere Date
The Pandorica Opens  19/06/2010

The Doctor's friends unite to send him a terrible warning; the Pandorica — which is said to contain the most feared being in all the cosmos — is opening. But what's inside, and can the Doctor stop it?

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Matt Smith

Amy Pond: Karen Gillan

River Song: Alex Kingston

Vincent: Tony Curran

Bracewell: Bill Paterson

Winston Churchill: Ian McNeice

Madame Vernet: Chrissie Cotterill

Doctor Gachet: Howard Lee

Guard: Joe Jacobs

Dorium: Simon Fisher-Becker

Claudio: Marcus O'Donovan

Commanderr: Clive Wood

Commander Stark: Christopher Ryan

Marcellus: David Fynn

Dalek: Barnaby Edwards

Cyberleader: Ruari Mears

Writer: Steven Moffat

Producer: Peter Bennett

Director: Toby Haynes