Series 06 | EP 2

Day of the Moon

Written by Steven Moffat

"You should kill us all on sight."

Episode Title Premiere Date
Day of the Moon  30/04/2011

The Doctor is locked up in Area 51. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down by the FBI. But, with the help of President Nixon and Neil Armstrong, the Doctor is able to mount a rebellion against an alien invasion dating back to the very beginnings of human civilisation.

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Matt Smith

Amy Pond: Karen Gillan

Rory: Arthur Darvill

River Song: Alex Kingston

Canton Delaware: Mark Sheppard

President Richard Nixon: Stuart Milligan

Doctor Renfrew: Kerry Shale

Little Girl: Sydney Wade

Gardner: Glenn Wrage

Doctor Shepherd: Peter Banks

Carl: Chukwudi Iwuji

Phil: Mark Griffin

Tramp: Ricky Fearon

Eye Patch Lady: Frances Barber

The Silent: Marnix Van Den Broeke

Writer: Steven Moffat

Producer: Marcus Wilson

Director: Toby Haynes

Grant: Jeff Mash

Sergeant: Tommy Campbell