Series 06 | EP 13

The Wedding of River Song

Written by Steven Moffat

"I've been sending out a message. A distress call. Outside the bubble of our time, the universe is still turning, and I've sent a message everywhere. To the future and the past, the beginning and the end of everything. The Doctor is dying. Please, please help."

Episode Title Premiere Date
The Wedding of River Song  01/10/2011

As the Doctor makes his final journey to the shores of Lake Silencio in Utah, he knows only one thing can keep the universe safe — his own death. But has he reckoned without the love of a good woman?

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Matt Smith

Amy: Karen Gillan

Rory: Arthur Darvill

River Song: Alex Kingston

Madame Kovarian: Frances Barber

Writer: Steven Moffat

Producer: Marcus Wilson

Director: Jeremy Webb

Dorium Maldovar: Simon Fisher-Becker

Winston Churchill: Ian McNeice

Dr Malokeh: Richard Hope

The Silent: Marnix Van Den Broeke

Charles Dickens: Simon Callow

Woman on Television: Sian Williams

Himself: Bill Turnbull

Herself: Meredith Vieira

Gideon Vandaleur: Niall Greig Fulton

Barman: Sean Buckley

Gantok: Mark Gatiss

Dr Kent: Emma Campbell-Jones

Nurse: Katharine Burford

Carter: Richard Dillane