Series 01 | EP 12

Bad Wolf

Written by Russell T Davies

"The Human Race. Brainless sheep being fed on a diet of.... Mind you, have they still got that programme where three people have to live with a bear?"

Episode Title Premiere Date
Bad Wolf 11/06/2005

The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack have to fight for their lives on board the Game Station. But a far more dangerous threat is lurking, just out of sight. The Doctor realises that humanity has been blinded to the threat on its doorstep, and armageddon is fast approaching.

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: Christopher Eccleston

Rose Tyler: Billie Piper

Jack Harkness: John Barrowman

Lynda: Jo Joyner

Rodrick: Paterson Joseph

Floor Manager: Jenna Russell

Voice of Davinadroid: Davina McCall

Voice of Anne Droid: Anne Robinson

Voice of Trine-E: Trinny Woodall

Voice of Zu-Zana: Susannah Constantine

Daleks (voices): Nicholas Briggs

Writer: Russell T Davies

Producer: Phil Collinson

Director: Joe Ahearne

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