Harry Sullivan

Played by Ian Marter

"Doctor, I'm a simple sort of chap. Are you trying to tell me we're now in the middle of the thirtieth century?"

First Regular Appearance Last Regular Appearance
Robot Terror of the Zygons

When the Doctor regenerates into his fourth body at UNIT HQ, the Brigadier summons Lieutenant Surgeon Harry Sullivan to look after him. After helping the Doctor defeat Kettlewell’s giant robot, and disbelieving that the TARDIS was a space-time ship, Harry was whisked away with the Doctor and Sarah. He saw the Sontarans, the birth of the Daleks and the Cyber assault on Voga. He left the TARDIS after the attempted Zygon invasion, when he was held prisoner and used as a template for their shape-shifting. Sarah later said of Harry that his work developing vaccines had saved thousands of lives.

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