Series 04 | EP 2

The Fires of Pompeii

Written by James Moran

"Just someone. Please. Not the whole town. Just save someone."

Episode Title Premiere Date
The Fires of Pompeii  04/12/2008

The Doctor and Donna travel back into ancient history. When they arrive in 79AD, however, they discover psychic powers and beasts of stone running riot in the streets of old Pompeii. The time-travellers face their greatest challenge yet — can established history be changed, or must the Doctor let everyone die?

Cast & Crew

The Doctor: David Tennant

Donna Noble: Catherine Tate

Stallholder: Phil Cornwell

Spurrina: Sasha Behar

Thalina: Lorraine Burroughs

Caecillius: Peter Capaldi

Metella: Tracey Childs

Writer: Russell T Davies

Producer: Phil Collinson

Director: Colin Teague

Evelina: Francesca Fowler

Quintus: Francois Pandolfo

Lucius: Phil Davis