
Former Doctor Who boss: Girls Aloud video was influence for Slitheen invasion

By Cameron McEwan

Actor/presenter Frank Skinner has been chatting to former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies on Absolute Radio.

The writer is currently promoting the fantastic new book of Doctor Who poetry, Now We Are Six Hundred, written by James Goss and illustrated by Davies – more details

Skinner, as Whovians will remember, played Perkins in the 2014 Twelfth Doctor episode Mummy On The Orient Express and is a self-confessed Doctor Who fan.

During the interview, Frank spoke to Russell about Doctor Who and, specifically, the first series on its return in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper as the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler respectively.

Davies revealed a very unusual influence on his first two-parter, Aliens Of London / World War Three:

“We had adventures set in Downing Street because Girls Aloud did the Jump video, from Love Actually [2003 film written by Richard Curtis (Vincent and the Doctor)], where they break into Downing Street.

They break into Downing Street and they’re sneaking passed Hugh Grant as the Prime Minister.”

For those not familiar with popular beat combo Girls Aloud, you can watch the aforementioned video below:

Russell added:

"And I sat watching that thinking, ‘What a great idea for Doctor Who story - break into Downing Street!’ Which then became that Aliens Of London story where they’re trapped in Downing Street.”

Read more about the Slitheen

Commenting on the casting of Jodie Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor, the former Doctor Who boss said, “How exciting, it’s great!” whilst adding that fans are:

“… very, very happy that this has happened. They’re completely happy and excited about next year.”

Watch the full interview between Frank Skinner and Russell T Davies in the player below:

Now We Are Six Hundred is available now – purchase here.

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