
Torchwood Returns for Series 5 on Audio

By Cameron K McEwan

Big Finish have announced that Captain Jack and the Torchwood gang will return for new adventures in a brand new series that officially follows the events of Series 4’s Miracle Day

Series 5, which begins in August 2017, is titled Torchwood: Aliens Among Us and has been creatively overseen by the show’s original creator, and one-time Doctor Who showrunner, Russell T Davies.

Pre-order Torchwood: Aliens Among Us here.

Torchwood first started in 2006 and was followed by another three television series, including the epic Children Of Earth (starring Twelfth Doctor actor Peter Capaldi) and more recently, 2011’s Miracle Day.

In this new series, Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper have restarted Torchwood in Cardiff. But it's in a very different Cardiff. Something terrible's happened to the city. With every day getting darker, will Torchwood need to adopt a whole new approach? Following the explosive events of Miracle Day, the Torchwood team is reunited, and Captain Jack, Gwen and Rhys are joined by new team members with dark secrets and their own agenda.

Fans will be delighted to hear that both John Barrowman and Eve Myles return to reprise their roles as Captain Jack and Gwen Cooper respectively.

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us also features returning actors Kai Owen (Rhys Williams), Tom Price (Andy Davidson) and newcomers, Paul Clayton, Alexandria Riley, Sam Béart, and Jonny Green. Producer James Goss comments on Russell T Davies’ approval:

"Russell's been wonderfully involved in the continuation of Torchwood. We came up with some characters and ideas and he very kindly, very politely said 'Marvellous, but no. Howabout...?'. And that's what lead to Jack and Gwen being joined by Mr Colchester (Paul Clayton), Ng (Alexandria Riley), Tyler (Jonny Green) and the enigmatic Orr (Sam Béart). Who are they? What part do they have to play in the future of Torchwood? And can they save Cardiff from an invasion that's already been lost?"

This new series of Torchwood will be released in three boxsets – the first coming in August. Torchwood Series 5.2 will follow in October, and 5.3 will complete the series in the new year. All three sets can be pre-ordered today here.

Torchwood Series 5: Aliens Among Us Part 1 will be released August 2017

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