April 13, 2019
The first jam-packed release for Jon Pertwee’s Third Doctor, Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 10, will be released Monday 8th July, the very day after Pertwee himself would have turned 100.
Pre-order Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 10 from Amazon and HMV. For US click here and Canada click here. Coming soon to Australia.

In 1973, Doctor Who celebrated its tenth anniversary with a very special story reuniting the first two Doctors – William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton – with Jon Pertwee’s then-current Doctor. The Three Doctors kicks off an explosive, colourful series of adventures across all of time and space as the Doctor and Jo Grant (Katy Manning) encounter the rogue Time Lord Omega, the terrifying Drashigs, the noble Draconians, fearsome Ogrons, deadly Daleks and slithering giant maggots. Season 10 also includes the final appearance of Roger Delgado as the Doctor’s arch nemesis The Master, plus adventures alongside Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (Nicholas Courtney) and UNIT.
Starring alongside Jon Pertwee are Katy Manning, Nicholas Courtney, Roger Delgado, Richard Franklin and John Levene.

With all episodes newly remastered from the best available sources, this Blu-ray box set also contains extensive and exclusive special features which include:
- A brand new feature-length documentary examining the Third Doctor’s Era, with archival contributions from Jon Pertwee, Barry Letts and Terrance Dicks plus all-new interviews with Katy Manning, Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss, presented by Matthew Sweet.
- Updated special effects and surround sound mix for Planet of the Daleks.
- Five new instalments of Behind the Sofa, featuring Katy Manning, Richard Franklin (Captain Yates) and John Levene (Sergeant Benton), along with 21st century Doctor Who panel Phil Collinson (Producer/Executive Producer), Pete McTighe (Writer) and Joy Wilkinson (Writer).
- Looking for Lennie, a documentary investigating the life of director Lennie Mayne.
- Keeping up with the Jones’, which sees Katy Manning with Stewart Bevan (Cliff Jones) pay a return visit to the Welsh locations from The Green Death.
- Plus: a repeat omnibus of The Green Death unseen since Christmas 1973, rare Panopticon convention footage, Blu-ray trailer, HD photo galleries plus scripts, production files and rare documentation provided as PDFs.
- The six-disc box set also includes hours of extensive special features previously released on DVD including two episodes of The Sarah Jane Adventures that saw Katy Manning’s Jo Jones meet the Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith).
A specially shot announcement trailer – and sequel to classic adventure The Green Death – has debuted on the Doctor Who YouTube channel; written by new series contributor Pete McTighe (Kerblam!) and starring original Doctor Who companion, Katy Manning:
Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 10 includes the following stories from 1972/73:
- The Three Doctors
- Carnival of Monsters
- Frontier in Space
- Planet of the Daleks
- The Green Death
Doctor Who: The Collection – Season 10 is available in the UK from on 8th July 2019 and you can pre-order it now from Amazon and HMV. For US click here and Canada click here. Coming soon to Australia.