
FAN-TASTIC! The joy and power of enjoying Doctor Who together

By Reece Connolly

Take a trip through the past 20 years of Doctor Who (and beyond!) as guest writer Reece Connolly shares the importance of fandom...

Reece Connolly is a performer and writer from the North East of England, currently living in London. They're a lifelong geek, and a supermassive Doctor Who fan. Since 2021 they’ve co-produced and hosted ‘The Gallifrey Cabaret’, a variety show that celebrates LGBTQ+ representation across the Whoniverse. Their favourite Doctor is "all of them".

Mind if we do a bit of time-travelling? Course you don’t! Grab onto something, I’m not the smoothest pilot…  


TIME-STAMP // 26th March 2005

I’m 11 years old. I’m glued to the telly. The Ninth Doctor has just burst into Rose Tyler’s life, grabbing her hand, telling her to ‘RUN!’  

My journey as a Doctor Who fan has lift off. Two decades on, I’m still flying high. And - much like the titular Time Lord themselves - I am not alone…  

Because when it comes to lovers of this magnificent little blue box show, there’s a whole galaxy of us out there. And d’you know what? That’s absolutely fantastic

Doctor Who Series 1
Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper debut as the Doctor and Rose in the series' revival in 2005.

Whether you’re a Whovian or a Wholigan, or maybe you prefer 'Friend of LINDA' (use whatever you feel suits you most - there are no rules! and if there are, never tell me them…), one thing’s for certain:  

Since materialising onto screens in 1963, Doctor Who has grown one of the longest-running and most passionate fandoms around. And much like the cosmos itself, it only keeps expanding. Here in 2025 there are more fans than ever before, and more ways to be one.  

When fandom is good, it’s such a gift. It can provide inspiration, discussion, collaboration, comfort, joy. Somewhere you can make great friends and proudly be your full brilliant self. It’s lovely to enjoy things by yourself of course, but there really is a special magic when fans come together; with positivity and passion, connecting and celebrating as one wide, wonderful community.  

C’mon, let’s have a look-see. Pull that lever there, would ya?  


Reece Connolly - Proms
Reece (right) and their partner attend the Doctor Who Prom at the Royal Albert Hall in 2024.

TIME-STAMP // 26th August 2024

The Royal Albert Hall. The Doctor Who Proms. And it is awesome. Not just the concert itself - which is obviously spectacular - but also the experience of being surrounded by hundreds of other fans. I don’t think I’ve seen so many under one (admittedly pretty big) roof. The crowd is giddy with excitement, an ocean of stripy scarfs and bow ties. This is the fandom in all its glory - friends and families, youngsters to grandparents, all different ages and backgrounds and opinions on which sonic screwdriver is best.  

Just like the many companions who’ve travelled in the TARDIS over the years, we’ve all got that one crucial thing in common: we love adventuring with the Doctor. When the theme strikes up, everyone joins in singing - “ooo weee ooooooo..!!” - it’s a genuinely euphoric moment. Goosebumps!  

I hope live events like this continue to grow, becoming more widespread, accessible, affordable, and inclusive as they do, so that everyone can have the opportunity to experience them.  

Of course, it doesn’t have to be the Proms, or alongside thousands of others. Like I said, there’s infinite ways to be a fan and be fans together. Fancy another one?  


TIME-STAMP // 2nd March 2025

I’m in the kitchen, eating a biscuit (custard cream, obvs).  

The new trailer for Season 2 has just landed. As has become second nature for me whenever Doccy Who news drops, I go online. Social media has created the biggest playground/convention hall/chat forum on Earth, and everyone’s invited to the party.  

Theories pop off; people pour over every detail and reveal; thoughts and feelings are shared. The memes have already begun, and they’re glorious. It’s all super-exciting.  

Now yes, let me address the elephant in the console room real quick… The internet (especially with long-running sci-fi franchises…) encourages opinions of every kind. Don’t let anyone reverse the polarity of your good vibes - we’re meant to be having fun, for Clom’s sake! Now did anybody else notice that bit in the trailer where - -  


Reece Connolly cosplay
A younger Reece cosplays the Doctor in a fan-made short!

TIME-STAMP // Summer 2011

Apologies for making us hide in this bush but must be careful not to bump into my younger self - paradoxes are a real pain in the Axos. Look! There I am, with some mates from school. We’re all massive Whovians, and today we’re down the park, making a short film. Yes, I’m playing the Doctor, obviously.

This is something fans have always been great at. Taking the Whoniverse and adding our own adventures to it. Just look at the volume of artwork, writing, comics and zines, audio plays, podcasts, cosplayers, and more. Enough to fill a few TARDISes (which is technically impossible, yessss, but Whovians would find a way…) And, of course, many homemade films.

Amazing things are created when fans combine passions, perspectives and talents, letting our imaginations run wild.


Reece Connolly cosplay
Reece dodges a Cyberman at the National Space Centre!

As we keep whizzing though the Vortex, I see myself at home as a kid again, rewatching episodes with my brother… Then Christmases, the whole fam around the telly watching the festive specials… There’s the watch-party I went to for the 50th anniversary… me and my partner at the DoctorDonnathon!… The midnight cinema screening of Empire of Death!

Screens and audiences of all kinds, watching and enjoying together.  

On we travel…  

Passing all the conventions I’ve been to and will go to - from village halls to hotels to gigantic exhibition centres, across the country and the world (truly, the geek WILL inherit the Earth). Online mutuals meet up IRL, and it’s a delightful thing to behold. Strangers become friends, bonding over joint slay cosplays, as stories are swapped and new memories made.


Reece Connolly cosplay
Reece dons one of the Fifteenth Doctor's looks for a shot with the TARDIS.

TIME-STAMP // 19th April 2020

Here we are, during one of the online lockdown watch-alongs (brainchild of the extraordinary Emily Cook), where - even isolated during a global pandemic - Who brings us together.

This is our very own Subwave Network. And we’re in fine company - many of the show’s actors and creatives are joining in. At the end of the day, lots of them are big fans too!

Projects like this remind us just how powerful fandom can be during more difficult times - bringing comfort, distraction, cheer, and hope.

The world is especially divided right now. There’s anger and uncertainty; it’s easy to feel scared and overwhelmed. Take time to hold onto the stuff that makes you feel good and safe, which tie us together instead of pushing us apart. And, as always, remember: you are not alone.


Doctor Who Season 2
The Fifteenth Doctor and Belinda Chandra in the TARDIS for Season 2.

TIME-STAMP // 12th April 2025

We’re about to watch the first episode of Season 2 of Doctor Who! And with these new adventures will come new fans. Let’s welcome them into the TARDIS with open arms. Don’t worry about it getting crowded – the great thing about this ship is that there’s room onboard for everyone.

After all, that’s one of the core themes of Doctor Who. Time and time again the Doctor and their friends have shown us that when we unite and work together, when we support and uplift each other, we’re capable of the most wonderful things. Maybe even saving the world.

So, one more stop?


Reece Connolly cosplay
One last hop into the future with Reece at the TARDIS controls!

TIME-STAMP // 23rd November 2063

I’ve got my holo-popcorn, sat on my anti-mav sofa, ready to watch the 100th anniversary special. It’s being streamed LIVE into my neuro-chip, featuring the 42nd Doctor (who is incredible btw). Obviously, I can’t say much more than this because, y’know, spoilers. But what I will say is this:

I’m still watching alongside a universe of other fans - some old, some new, all amazing - across the stars, throughout time and space. All of us, together.  

And in that way, some things never change. How fantastic is that? Now, shhhh, stop distracting me, it’s about to begin -!  

Ooo weee oooOoOOooOOoo - - !! 

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