February 24, 2019
Big Finish, makers of Doctor Who audio adventures, are releasing their first story set in the Twelfth Doctor era! The Astrea Conspiracy is part of their Short Trips range, a series of new short stories read by cast members of the television series – in this case, Neve McIntosh who played Paternoster Gang member Madame Vastra.
If you have never heard a story from the range, or are in fact new to Doctor Who on audio, here are some other brilliant Short Trips to get yourself started.
All Hands on Deck
Ever wondered what happened to Susan, the Doctor’s Granddaughter? After the Doctor left her in the safe hands of David, straight after the Daleks invaded Earth in 2150 AD, Susan led an eventful life on Earth. After a life of clearing away Dalek technology and rebuilding society, what happens when she meets the Doctor in his Eighth incarnation? Find out in All Hands on Deck!
The Siege of Big Ben/Flight into Hull!
After Journey’s End, Rose stayed in another universe with the Metacrisis Doctor, where they lived happy ever after… or did they? And what happened to Jackie Tyler? In two stories, Jackie tells all about the Metacrisis Doctor and life in the other universe…
Order The Siege of Big Ben and Flight into Hull! on CD and digital download
A Full Life
Not all of the Doctor’s companions have left the TARDIS happily… young Adric’s travels with the Fifth Doctor tragically came to an end in the story Earthshock. But in the 'Short Trip' A Full Life, Adric gets the chance to visit a planet where the dead come back and live the life he could have had…
This Sporting Life
A Doctor Who story about football? Madness, surely? But the First Doctor, Steven and Dodo did indeed observe the beautiful game during the World Cup final back in London 1966, and got more than they bargained for…
I am the Master
It’s not just companions who feature in the Short Trips range… the Master (played by Geoffrey Beevers who played the Master in the television story The Keeper of Traken) tells a few of his secrets in the terrifying story, I Am The Master.
How to Win Planets and Influence People
The Meddling Monk gives a full lecture on how to take over the universe with some side-notes on how to defeat (or avoid) someone almost as meddlesome as him in destroying nefarious schemes… the Doctor.
Like the sound of these? You can view the entire Short Trips range from Big Finish, here and order The Astrea Conspiracy, first Twelfth Doctor story on audio, here.