April 30, 2019
They’re two of the biggest and best sci-fi franchises in the galaxy, but did you know that all these amazing actors have appeared in both Doctor Who and Star Wars?

Leslie Scofield
In the Doctor’s galaxy: Calib, The Face of Evil (1977)
The Doctor’s friend Leela was originally a warrior from the Sevateem tribe, and Calib was a fellow member who ended up becoming its leader.
In a galaxy far, far away: Chief Moradmin Bast, A New Hope (1977)
Actor Leslie was a busy boy around 1977. Not only did he pop up in Doctor Who but he made an appearance in a cool new movie everyone was talking about that went by the name of Star Wars. You may have heard of it. Bast was strictly Dark Side, and got blown to smithereens along with the Death Star.

Simon Pegg
In the Doctor’s galaxy: The Editor, The Long Game (2005)
This evil dude was in charge of a space station pumping out hundreds of TV channels. He let the Doctor think he was in charge, but there was a bigger boss above him – literally! The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe was a giant slug creature stuck to the ceiling, which blew up – killing its minion!
In a galaxy far, far away: Unkar Plutt, The Force Awakens (2015)
Simon lent his vocal talents to another shady operator – a junk trader who was the go-to guy for weapons on Jakku.

Hugh Quarshie
In the Doctor’s galaxy: Solomon, Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks (2007)
The Doctor and Martha had help from noble Solomon when a load of Daleks turned up in 1930s New York and started experimenting on the locals!
In a galaxy far, far away: Captain Panaka, The Phantom Menace (1999)
Quarsh Panaka was another good guy – he was responsible for keeping Queen Padmé Amidala safe from harm.

Felicity Jones
In the Doctor’s galaxy: Robina Redmond, The Unicorn and the Wasp (2008)
Robina seemed to be a refined and elegant young lady, but she was hiding a secret. It took the combined brilliance of the Doctor and Agatha Christie to work out there was more to her than met the eye…
In a galaxy far, far away: Jyn Erso, Rogue One (2016)
This feisty fighter played a crucial part in nabbing the top-secret plans for the Death Star.

Jimmy Vee
In the Doctor’s galaxy: Bannakaffalatta, Voyage of the Damned (2007) (and lots of others)
Brave Banna helped the Doctor when he was stuck on board a replica of the Titanic that was hurtling through space on a collision course with Earth. He had a spiky exterior but was actually a real softie!
In a galaxy far, far away: R2-D2, The Force Awakens (2015 – present)
As well as playing loads of different creatures in Doctor Who, actor Jimmy Vee took over the key role of cheeky droid R2-D2 from Kenny Baker.

Lindsay Duncan
In the Doctor’s galaxy: Dr Adelaide Brooke, Waters of Mars (2009)
Adelaide was a super-smart scientist who led the first human expedition to Mars. The Doctor was horrified when he met her – because he knew her mission was doomed and everyone who had gone to Mars was going to die!
In a galaxy far, far away: TC-14, The Phantom Menace (1999)
Another actor who turned up in vocal form only – Lindsay lent her dulcet tones to a shiny, silver protocol droid who worked on the Trade Federation’s flagship.

Warwick Davis
In the Doctor’s galaxy: Porridge, Nightmare in Silver 2013
The Doctor and Clara met Porridge on a visit to Hedgewick’s World of Wonders. It took them a while to suss out that he was actually Ludens Nimrod Kendrick Cord Longstaff XLI – a lonely emperor who just wanted to be normal. He asked Clara to marry him, but she totally friend-zoned him.
In a galaxy far, far away: Wicket the Ewok, Return of the Jedi (1983)
This furry friend of Princess Leia was a key ally during the Rebellion’s attack on the Empire on the forest planet of Endor, where he lived with the other Ewoks.

Dave Prowse
In the Doctor’s galaxy: The Minotaur, The Time Monster (1972)
This tall, pointy-horned chap was responsible for guarding a crucial crystal hidden at the centre of a fiendish maze. Poor Jo Grant ended up at his mercy when she was chucked in to the maze, and the Doctor had to save her with a bit of matador-style action.
In a galaxy far, far away: Darth Vader, A New Hope (1977)
The big guy, the main man, the baddest of the bunch – Vader is a proper sc-fi legend! And also very tall – a speciality of Dave’s, what with him being nearly two metres tall!

Lily Cole
In the Doctor’s galaxy: The Siren, The Curse of the Black Spot (2011)
This ethereal beauty thought she was being helpful by spiriting a load of pirates away to her special hospital and popping them on life support. Her terrifying bedside manner left a bit to be desired, though!
In a galaxy far, far away: Lovey, The Last Jedi (2017)
A cool codebreaker with a quite spectacular hairstyle, Lovey liked to hang out in the Canto Bright casino, where Rose and Finn turned up looking for assistance with a locked door.

David Tennant
In the Doctor’s galaxy: The Tenth Doctor (2005-2010)
If this guy needs an introduction, you’ve probably come to the wrong website!
In a galaxy far, far away: Huyang, The Clone Wars: A Test of Strength (2012)
You probably know that David picked up loads of awards for playing the Doctor, but did you know he also has an Emmy for his Star Wars role? You won’t have seen his face on screen as Huyang, a wise old droid who’s a dab hand at building lightsabers. But if you’ve seen the episode of spin-off series The Clone Wars he guest-starred in, you’ll definitely recognise that distinctive voice!