Dalek Time Squad

"We are the superior beings!"

First Appearance
Time Lord Victorious

When the Dalek Emperor became aware of a temporal threat to the universe, it assembled an elite squadron of Daleks to protect the Dalek Empire. Their mission was to eradicate the anomalies, locate the Doctor, and use him to take them back to the origin point of the damage to time.

Although the Dalek Time Commander was theoretically in charge of the mission, operations were really controlled by the Dalek Strategist, the Emperor's manipulative advisor. The Time Commander was fiercely loyal to the Emperor. The Strategist was fiercely loyal to the Strategist.

Also aboard was a Dalek Scientist expert in temporal anomalies, and a Dalek Executioner. The latter demonstrates the Daleks' default strategy - there is no problem that cannot, in the end, simply be exterminated.

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