Lindy Pepper-Bean

Played by Callie Cooke

“I keep getting lucky, don’t I?” 

First Regular Appearance
Dot and Bubble

Arrogant and self-centred, Lindy is a typical member of Finetime. The online community spends most of their time chatting with one another through their Dots, and almost never engage with the real world. She reveals the callous side to her nature when she allows Ricky September to die in her place and lies about it later. As the Doctor is not like the rest of the white colonists in Finetime, Lindy is rude and hostile towards him; even choosing not to accept his offer to take them off-world away from the Mantraps



Character Bio

Originally born on the Homeworld, Lindy lives and works on the colony Finetime, an opportunity only available to the super rich, young and attractive. Most of Lindy’s time here is spent, with the rest of the colony, on her Dot and Bubble – a social media system that forms a protective cocoon of live friend chat and short videos around her head, only allowing her to walk via arrows projected above her.   

When a strange figure appears in her Bubble – the Doctor – warning her of “creatures” coming to get her, Lindy is initially rude, dismissive and arrogant; but after dropping her Bubble and seeing a colleague being eaten alive by a Mantrap, she follows the Doctor and Ruby’s instructions to escape. Unable to walk without the aid of the arrows provided by the Dot, she is guided by the voice of Bubble heartthrob Ricky September, who she is thrilled to meet in person.  

With Ricky's help, Lindy manages to escape to the underground tunnels, where the Doctor realises the Dot and Bubble system is orchestrating the killings in alphabetical order as revenge on the users it had grown to hate. When Lindy’s Dot turns on her, she sacrifices Ricky in her stead by revealing that his real surname was “Coombes”, and so alphabetically ahead of her own.

The Doctor offers Lindy and her fellow colonists an opportunity to leave their world with him in the TARDIS, but they refuse, remarking that he is not one of them. Lindy leaves with the other colonists into the Wilderness, and her fate remains unknown. 

Actor information

Lindy Pepper-Bean is played by Callie Cooke.